An Open Letter to Our Public Officials:
'ICEALITY SILVER REVELATION'; As part of ICEA's 25th Anniversary, the International Center for Environmental Arts (ICEA) would like to expand this original Ohio's Coastweeks 1994 celebration concept from the ARK in Berea into a National Educational program for children in all 50 States focusing on the natural beauty, iceality, history and development for future uses of America's coastlines.
Specifically, ICEA is seeking to petition the Federal Government to administer and help fund the building of the COASTWEEKS Program. This program would be very similar to the Great Depression Era New Deal Works Progress Administration (WPA) Program called the Federal Art Project (FAP). Almost every community in the United States has riverfront parks or green shoreline spaces which would benefit from this program,
especially rural and inter-city areas that would provide positive local community guidance
for the youth and jobs for the unemployed who are able to work....
....We Can Do This!
Ambassador Renate
Ohio COASTWEEKS 2019 Childrens Art and Essay Contest

As part of Ohio's Coastweeks 2019 celebration, the International Center for Environmental Arts (ICEA) will hold the
Official 23th Annual Coastweeks 2019 Art and Essay contest for Children.
The contest portrays important issues about Lake Erie through Art focusing on the natural beauty, history and future uses. David comments on why he organized this area's only comprehensive art/environment program for young children at ICEA……"to plan strategies of sustainable development for a Great Lake like ours that is endowed with renewable and non-renewable resources requires a scientific and empiric deep knowledge supported by a lingering bioregional educational action that needs to begin with our young children." These combined elements will eventually increase the public's awareness through ICEAlity and enable the protection of Lake Erie's valuable and delicate systems.
The theme, 'I Can Help Lake Erie', encourages young Ohioans to be part of the solution, not the pollution that finds it way into the lake."
The posters and essays are exhibited at the
Great Lakes Historical Society's Inland Seas Maritime Museum in Vermilion, Ohio and the
ARK in Berea in the Cleveland Area.
For over 25 years ICEA has inspired generations of citizens, teachers and children to take an active role in their environment through ICEAlity. As an example of these endeavors, in 2007 the new Coe Lake Nature Trail and Riparian Restoration Project was built to foster an appreciation for Berea's natural environment and history.
International Center for Environmental Arts (ICEA)
Box 81496
Cleveland, Ohio 441181 USA
Tel/Fax: 440-891-8376
The International Center for Environmental Arts (ICEA) is a force for socially responsible activity. ICEA's mission is ICEAlity that is to "Assist in understanding of the relationship between Humans and their Environment through the Arts". ICEA was founded by David and Renate Jakupca in 1987 to meet the compelling needs of ordinary citizens for access to current, balanced, understandable information about complex global issues. Over the years, ICEA has gained a reputation for excellence based upon a unique library of specialized, current information on global importance and a wide range of imaginative programming and collaborations with other organizations to meet the needs of a broad constituency. With affiliates across the globe, ICEA supports research, information sharing and effective action promoting a sustainable Culture of Peace.
The historic ARK in Berea, is the first structure in Cuyahoga County to incorporate sustainable building concepts from the Earth Summit in Rio de Janeiro in 1992, it inaugurated the green building trend that is now sweeping America. The Ark in Berea is the home and studio of American Cultural Ambassadors David and Renate Jakupca and is also a museum, community center, and art gallery. The ARK in Berea is the home of the Environmental Art Movement.
ICEA is a place where people are encouraged to develop their own unique individual skills and talents for themselves, their community, nation and the world. The center provides a healthy holistic environment to aid people in their social, emotional, physical, intellectual, spiritual as well as artistic growth. Sustainable business leadership training programs are available to corporate and community organizations. Consultants and Speakers are available for all topics relating to the Humanities, Arts, and the Environment.
Annual Ongoing Projects are:
Ohio COASTWEEKS Children's Arts and Essay Contest.
World Childrens Peace Movement
Great American Peace Trail
Volunteers are welcome for specific projects and committees. Training is provided.
International Institute for Sustainable Development (IISD)
Ohio Lake Erie Commission One Maritme Plaza, Toledo, Ohio 43604
Ohio Department of Natural Resources 1930 Belcher Dr. Columbus, Ohio 43224
Ambassador Renate
Box 81496 Cleveland, Ohio 44181 Tel/Fax 440-891-8376
Carla LaVigne
Great Lakes Historical Society
Box 435 Vermilion, Oh 44089 Tel 440-967-3467
Christopher H. Gillcrist
InLand Seas Maritime Museum
480 Main St. Vermilion, Oh 44089 Tel 800-893-1485
Ohio’s Coastweeks Coordinators
One Maritime Plaza, Fourth Floor, Toledo, Ohio 43604
Tel 419-245-2514
COASTWEEKS Water links to UN and Non-UN System sites:
United Nations
- World Water Day 2015: Home -
- 5th World Water Forum ( 2008, Istanbul, Turkey)
- International Decade for Action : Water for Life, 2005-2015
- UN Water, which replaced the ACC Subcommittee on Water Resources, is the focal point for coordinating United Nations system activities in the area of water resources. It is the interagency mechanism to follow up on the Millennium Development Goals concerning freshwater and the water-related decisions adopted at the World Summit on Sustainable Development.
- Commission on Sustainable Development
- Department of Economic and Social Affairs. Division for Sustainable Development
- Issues on the UN Agenda - Water
- Pumped Up for Peace web site - Drinking Water (Cyberschoolbus)
- UN Works for Freshwater
- Gateway to land and water information
- Land and Water Development Division
- Water Resources, Development and Management Service
International Strategy for Disaster Reduction
- Activities in Freshwater
- Global Environment Management Monitoring System - Water
- Managing Water for African Cities
Joint initiative of UNEP and UNCHS -Habitat.
UNICEF - Water, Environment and Sanitation
World Bank Group
World Health Organization
World Meteorological Organization
The additional resources links on this page are provided for information purposes only and do not necessarily represent an endorsement by COASTWEEKS.
American Water Resources Association
Institute of Water and Environment
International Center for Environmental Arts (ICEA)
International Office for Water
IRC International Water and Sanitation Centre
International Water Association
International Water Management Institute
Stockholm International Water Institute
Universities Council on Water Resources
Water, Engineering and Development Centre
Water Supply and Sanitation Collaborative Council
FAIR USE NOTICE: This website may contain copyrighted material. Such material is made available for educational purposes, to advance understanding of human rights, democracy, scientific, enviromental, moral, ethical, and social justice issues, art & culture, etc. This constitutes a ‘fair use’ of any such copyrighted material as provided for in Title 17 U.S.C. section 107 of the US Copyright Law. In accordance with Title 17 U.S.C. Section 107, the material on this site is distributed without profit to those who have expressed a prior interest in receiving the included information for research and educational purposes. If you wish to use copyrighted material from this site for purposes of your own that go beyond ‘fair use’, you must obtain permission from the copyright owner.
Please feel free to repost but be polite and include an active link back to the original ICEA website/blog on: or
When you join the Farmgirl Sisterhood, you'll be able to participate in fun celebrations like our Farmgirl Jubilee.
The first annual Farmgirl Jubilee was celebrated in 2015, forever more to be held during the first weekend in May. During our special weekend, together in person or online, we celebrate friendships and our connections to our ethnic roots. It's when we honor our fatherland, our homes, families, and friends. We celebrate by adding beautiful gardens to our backyards, by discovering the satisfaction of home-cooked meals made with healthy ingredients, by renewing our commitment to the simplifactions of our daily lives, by rediscovering outdoor spaces together with friends, and by meeting new friends who inspire us and help us stay the course in meaninful ways.
=============================================Renate start HERE ======================================
Welcome to Palmsonntag or Palm Sunday, the final Sunday of Lent and the last Sunday before Easter, it signifies the beginning of Holy Week by commemorating the entry of Jesus riding on a donkey into Jerusalem. Jesus is riding on a donkey symbolizing humility and non-violence, in contrast to a horse which was the animal of choice for kings and soldiers representing luxury and war.
The palms symbolizes the branches of the Christian faith that were scattered before Jesus as he rode into Jerusalem on a donkey, with the palm tree being a symbol of triumphant victory just as the donkey being a symbol of humility.
However, in most of Europe it is difficult to find palm fronds, which is why they are replaced in palm bouquets by pussy willows, catkins.
In many Catholic regions Palmprozessionen (palm processions) take place where priests leads their congregation through the streets to the church, sometimes there even is a real donkey. People will carry Palmbuschen, Palmstangen, Palmstöcke, or Palmbesen that will then be blessed and be put with the crucifix in your house.
After the service, at homes, they are hung to protect the household from thunderstorms and illness until they are burned on Ash Wednesday of the next year and used for the ash cross. Often Palmbuschen and their variations are decorated with colored eggs, apples, oranges, pretzels, and streamers and displayed in fields, barns and stables, they bring good luck for good harvests and protect livestock.
I will be talking more about Palm Sunday and German Easter traditions throughout the program
This is Ambassador Renate Und German Happy Hour......
People who eat together don’t kill each other … that’s the lesson of the “Kappeler Milchsuppe” (Milk Soup of Kappel).
During the Reformation, Switzerland was split in two fractions: the Catholics and the Reformed, and conflicts were brewing. In 1529, the troops of the Canton Zürich (the Reformed) marched toward the cantons in inner Switzerland which were mainly Catholic. The conflict is called the “Erster Kappelerkrieg” (First Kappel War) but you can’t really call it a war because the conflict ended without any battle.
While the troop leaders were negotiating, the foot soldiers of the canton of Zürich and of Zug were socializing and cooked a soup together in a large pot which was placed directly on the border between the two cantons. Supposedly, the people from Zürich supplied the milk and the ones from Zug added the bread. This meal of reconciliation took place near the city of Kappel am Albis, hence the name.
Today, there is a stone monument called “Milchsuppenstein” (Milk soup stone), a reminder of the Swiss confederation (Schweizer Eidgenossenschaft).
Milchsuppe is a simple meal and was often eaten by the ‘normal’ people. It usually consists of sweet or salted milk with pieces of bread. You may add butter, onions and garlic as well as broth and spices like caraway seeds and nutmeg.
A wise historic Swiss system of avoiding conflict!
It's a great idea all around what these ordinary citizens did in Switzerland. Ordinary people never wants a war.
So sad that in modern times the major conflict groups have NOT learned to settle differences by non-violent negotiations & avoid bloodshed!
Ordinary people making peace in Cleveland. The Worlds Children Peace Monument is something everyone should be involved in, but people are starting to take notice. Edith Hoffman mentioned on the Facebook Page that people need to be nicer to each other in the Cleveland German Community. Maybe once a week Edith we could have a milk soup for peace and invite everybody over and start to take some action?
Do you have daffodils in your yard?
What do daffodils symbolize?
Daffodil Meaning and Symbolism | Bouqs Blog
Daffodils symbolize rebirth, new beginnings, hope, joy, and good luck. Much of this symbolism arises from the fact that daffodils emerge each spring to light up barren landscapes with their cheerful yellow, orange, and white flowers.
If yo like daffadils and hiking then maybe the "Narzissenroute" or "Daffodil Trail"in the Eifel region, a low mountain range in western Germany, is for you. The trail in the Eifel nature reserve near Monschau, through the Perlenbach and Fuhrtsbach valleys, is 14.8 km long and it takes about 3.5 hours to complete. Don't worry there are places to stop on the way for some refreshments.
What you will see if you go in April are around 6 million wild growing daffodils on 280 hectares. For 2024, the blossom peak is expected during the second week of April. What does the poet say about daffodils?
Daffodils Summary and Analysis | English | William Wordsworth
The daffodils traced the water with their beauty. Moreover, the poet says, the golden daffodils twinkled and stretched in an endless line like the stars in the Milky galaxy way. It implies that the flowers seem heavenly as stars. This made the poet very happy as he has never seen so many daffodils at one sight.
You may also mark you calendar for the Narzissenblüte, the annual Daffodil Festival. In 2024, it will take place on April 21 in Hellenthal-Hollerath. Guided tours, information, and food will be offered.
What is a cute quote about spring?
"You can cut all the flowers, but you cannot keep spring from coming." "Flowers don't worry about how they're going to bloom. They just open up and turn toward the light and that makes them beautiful." "That is one good thing about this world–there are always sure to be more springs."
Spring has sprung. Spring bliss. It's a blue-sky day. A season full of nature's delights.
A 'weak egg' belongs among the most interesting of German insults.
Weichei is a piece of German slang or Umgangssprache which simply means “wimp” or “weakling”, or literally a soft egg.
There are many synonyms of Weichei in the German language, including “Memme”, (meaning craven) “Angsthase” (literally meaning “afraid rabbit”, although often used like “scardy cat”), and “Feigling” (meaning coward).
Weichei is combination of two words it consists of the noun “Weich” (which means soft) and “Ei” (meaning egg).
One could easily say this relates to the meaning, as the mental image of a soft egg is basically never related to strength and heroism. The term is said to have originated during the 80s, a time during which men in Germany became more conscious of their self-image.
The concept of a “soft” man was born as a result: a man who was very pliable, gentle and had a more alternative social viewpoint.
A particularly soft guy could even be called an “Oberweichei” (literally meaning head wimp, but usually meant more as “a huge wimp”).
And here are some sample uses of Weichei:
Wer es nicht wagt, von der Klippe zu springen, ist ein Weichei!
Whoever does not dare jump from the cliff, is a wimp!
Maximilian fürchtet sich vor dem Ball, darum ist er ein Oberweichei.
Maximilian is frightened of the ball, that’s why he is a huge wimp.
Everybody loves Spring in Germany. The temperatures rise and the first fresh produce gets to the markets. White “Spargel” (Asparagus) is something most Germans are obsessed with.
It is impossible to overstate the German obsession with White Gold, pale asparagus, typically served drenched in butter or Hollandaise sauce, with boiled potatoes and slices of ham.
And suddenly asparagus soup, asparagus sausage, even Spargel-Eis, asparagus ice cream, have appeared on menus.
Beginning sometime in April asparagus is everywhere. It is early this year, but always ends June 24, St. John the Baptist's Feast Day, and the arrival of the Royal Vegetable, Königsgemüse, might coincide with the arrival of spring, and end of winter, but there is a buzz in the air when pop-up stands sprout all over towns and villages. And the first mounds of weißer Spargel appear at farmers’ markets.
With around 125,000 tonnes consumed during the eight or so week ‘Spargelzeit' season, half of which is bought at those roadside stands and markets, more is definitely more.
White asparagus has been cultivated in Europe for over 2,000 years, first recorded during the Roman Empire and the Romans loved it. Runners took asparagus filled baskets high up the Alps, to freeze it for use later in the year.
And it arrived in Germany via the monasteries in the 16th century, although work intensive, and expensive, even today, it was enjoyed by the nobility only.
Now more white asparagus is eaten in Germany than anywhere else in the world, except Switzerland.
If you would like to know more about the King of German Vegetables, go to our Cleveland German Radio Show Facebook Page.
mar 24 2024 show
change --------- is-----------to-----was--------------Lithoanian skit
club news: Hexennacht on the Cleveland German Radio Show. Thanks! ... John
Event by Gemütlichkeit Cleveländer Musikanten and German Central
7863 York Road, Parma, OH, United States, Ohio 44130
Public · Anyone on or off Facebook
Admission is $10
Celebrate the Change of the Seasons and the Arrival of Spring when Supernatural Forces are at Play!
Live Music by the Gemütlichkeit Cleveländer Musikanten, Cleveland's Favorite Polka Band!
Featuring Cleveland's Own Pagan Party, the Crooked River Crones!
Dance with the Witches and Learn the Hexentanz!
Saturday, April 27th, 2024
from 6:00 PM to 10:00 PM
German Central Main Hall
7863 York Road, Parma, Ohio 44130
Be Sure to Try Our Witches Brew Before Saint Walpurga, Protector Against Evil Spirits, Wards Off the Witches and Chases All the Fun Away!
Come Dressed as a Witch, a Warlock, a Wizard, a Fairy, or Other Supernatural Being!
Advance Tickets
$10.00 on Eventbrite
$15.00 at the Door See less
=============================================RENATE END HERE==========================================
Hello and welcome to another post on untranslatable German words, where I bring you the quirkiest, funniest and most intelligent words that the German language has to offer – and ones that are difficult to find a direct translation for!
Heute ist das Leben – das einzige Leben, dass euch sicher ist. Mache euch das Beste aus dem heutigen Tag. Interessiert euch für etwas. Schüttelt euch wach. Entwickelt euch ein Hobby. Lasst euch vom Wind der Begeisterung durchströmen. Lebe heute mit Begeisterung!
I believe that we are solely responsible for our choices, and we have to accept the consequenxces of every deed, word, and thought throuout our lifetime.
Need a fresh start to your morning? Jump-start your day with daily wisdom, inspiration, and prayer sent straight to your inbox! Sign up today!
CLEVELAND POLKA STUHLTANZEN, America's Newest Dance Craze from Cleveland
Something special happens whenever the music starts, some people sway back and forth, others bob their head in time with the beat. From the tiniest movement to the most bold, moving the body in a rhythmic way that expresses emotion, releases energy, or simply shows delight, is the definition of dance. From ballroom to polkas, dancing is also one of the most enjoyable ways of getting up, moving, and keeping fit. But for seniors from the German, Hungarian, Czech, Slovenian and many many more from Cleveland's ethnic community it has become a thing of the past....but not anymore!
The Benefits of CLEVELAND POLKA STUHLTANZEN for Seniors is that when someone dances, art and sport intersect. Because it simultaneously combines physical, emotional, and cognitive stimulation, this accounts for the many benefits that dancing holds for older adults. CLEVELAND POLKA STUHLTANZEN is a progressive dance form which uses the chair as the central point for the choreography. Now Seniors, even those in wheelchairs, who love to dance can create new and fun interesting movement opportunities into their lives. Senior CLEVELAND POLKA STUHLTANZEN offers elderly people physical benefits which include improvement in balance, strength and gait, which will help reduce the risk of falls. As well as work their arm and leg muscles. As well as improving their balance it will also help improve their coordination. Ambassador Renate says "The CLEVELAND POLKA STUHLTANZEN program is part of a broader strategy of bringing arts of various kinds into the care setting developed from the Worlds Children Peace Monument (WCPM). Possibly, with teachers and classes, this can be a developed Senior dance program as a model for other long-term care facilities across America and the World.
"Remember, you don't get too old to dance, You grow old because you stop dancing".
Chair exercising is not a new idea, but taking it to a new level is, I came up with the idea of CLEVELAND POLKA STUHLTANZEN by watching Liza Minelli's Mein Herr Cabaret - Group Chair Dance Performance at Millers (Zürich, Switzerland) April 2023. This performance that was part of the Can't Stop the Beat Musical Theater production from Close Encounters Theater group Zürich)
Ambassador Renate Jakupca
You are listening to WCSB Cleveland, 89.3 on your FM dial.
Guten Morgen meine Damen und Herren! Wilkommen zum heutigen, Deutschen, Amerikanishen Radio Program, euer Heimatradio mit alte Heimatslieder und Volksmelodien. We hope you have enjoyed our first half of our Program, and we would like to welcome you to our second half of our program with schlager hits and more news for your entertainment. enjoy!
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